Monday, May 9, 2011


I'm starting a blog. Yes, I am about 10 years late on this bandwagon. I'm okay with it.

Everyone who knows me knows that I am a very open book about most things. There's probably very little about me that most of you don't already know. I do try to keep the majorly negative things off Facebook because I don't want to be a huge Debbie Downer. Plus I am sure there are those who have far bigger problems than me and I don't want to seem like a big baby (but I totally am).

So guess where all the negative and too wordy for Facebook crap is gonna go? Right cheer.

I will tell you right now I am thus far having a fantastic year (knocks on wood). 2009 and 2010 kicked my ass and I am still in recovery from the physical pain 2009 caused and the emotional pain 2010 caused. Of course, according to certain people (one ass hole of a cop in New Braunfels to name one) believe that these instances were my own damn fault. And every day I struggle with the idea that they might be right. Maybe someday we'll get into that, but not today.

Also those who know me well know that I get new ideas for hobbies or interests regularly and I get really excited about it for one hot minute then I get bored and move on. I do have a few interests that I can't shake (motorcycles and paying bills [no really]) and I will more than likely talk about those things a lot.

My biggest interest is myself. I'm not kidding. I am fully aware of the fact that I am completely self-absorbed. I don't really have a terribly interesting life, but I find it absolutely fascinating!

My second biggest interest is my husband. I actually try to force myself to wait at least two sentences after meeting someone new before I start talking about Daniel. I don't typically last that long.

So anyway...all that rambling to say that this is my place to whine about how my leg hurts and how much I love my motorcycle and how much I paid toward my student loans and how awesome my husband is, etc.

First non-introductory post to follow. Probably tonight.

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