A vast majority of my friends ride motorcycles. But there are quite a few that don't. I never for one minute expect that those who do not ride to understand why I do it. Just like I hope they don't expect me to understand their addictions. I just try my best to respect them. All I ask is that you (non-rider friend) try to respect my decision to ride. Maybe you think I am a complete moron. That's okay. I probably am. But since when did addictions make sense?
So I spent several hours riding this weekend because the weather is amazing here in Austin, TX and I didn't want to waste it.
While I was out I found the things that annoy me the most while riding, happen pretty often. I am going to list them here in the hopes that non-riders will understand a rider's perspective:
10. If you see us carrying a helmet, wearing a leather jacket and funky looking boots...do not ask us, "Did you ride your motorcycle?!" I try to ignore this one because I know it's just a conversation starter or an acknowledgement of the fact that I clearly, must have ridden. But no matter what, I always want to respond with, "Nope. Just thought I'd wear all this crap in 100 degree heat for the heck of it. I look pretty cool, don't I?"
9. Do not ever...ever assume that you can sit on my bike. In fact, don't even ask. Unless I am familiar with your ability to ride you aren't allowed to touch the bike. Period. In fact, stay at least 6 feet away at all times. You're making me nervous.
8. This is another one that I have trouble with because I know it's just a conversation/acknowledgement piece, but..."How fast does that thing go?" while talking to a stranger in gas station parking lot is not an appropriate conversation starter. I have never been able to respond to this question because, first off it doesn't really make sense. If I was at a land speed race event, I could easily respond. But on the street? What am I supposed to say? "Ah, she'll do 'bout one twenty headin' down thirty-five 'round about north a Georgetown..." I just don't know how to respond concisely.
7. This one is a little specific, but worth mentioning. If you are on a two lane road in the middle of nowhere that has lots of hills and curves and a motorcycle comes up behind you...please for the love of god, let them pass you. See, you might refer to 1431 as the "motion-sickness road that gets you to Marble Falls" but motorcyclist refer to it as "the fun road". You are on that road to get to Marble Falls and eat pie. We are on that road to be on that road. And getting stuck behind someone who breaks at every little turn is ruining our ride. Not to mention you're nervousness about being on that road can be dangerous for us behind you.
6. Some motorcyclists are ass-hats. Some are douche bags, some don't belong on a bike, some are downright dangerous. But some are just regular folk who happen to like riding motorcycles. Do not lump all sport bike riders into one category. I don't ride wheelies down the interstate. Don't assume that because I am not poking along on a big fat Harley that I must be a wild and crazy idiot out to kill myself and hurt others in the process.
5. Don't judge my intentions. If you have never ridden a motorcycle you don't understand how scary it can be to be around cars on the road. Sometimes I pass people going over the speed limit because they are driving erratically and I am afraid to be near them. Don't assume that I must be doing it because I am irresponsible. No, I just don't trust you. You with the 3 kids in the back and your radio blasting and your phone sitting on your lap ready to text. I want to get as far away from you as possible.
4. DO compliment my bike. It's pretty. I know it. You know it. Just tell me. A quick, "that's a good-looking bike" will get you very far with a motorcyclist.
3. Most of us are well aware of the dangers of riding a motorcycle. We know it's not the safest mode of travel or hobby. We all know someone who has been hurt in a motorcycle accident. We do not ever care to hear about whatever horror story you have about riding bikes. If you think it dangerous and stupid that is fine. But your story about your roommate's cousin's friend losing a leg is not going to change our minds. It's not. Sorry. It's a very rare occasion when I can get through a conversation with a non-rider about motorcycles without getting to hear one of these stories. Believe me, nothing you can say will shock me. I have a pretty horrific story to tell myself. And if you want to swap stories, I can go into graphic detail about what it feels like to have your leg "straightened out" and all the pain that followed. You will not sway me.
2. Pay attention to what you are doing. Most of the people I know who have been hit by cars were not hit by drunk drivers or road ragers or even people who were speeding. THE MOST DANGEROUS PEOPLE ON THE ROAD ARE THE ONES WHO ARE JUST NOT PAYING ATTENTION.
1. Don't hit us. It hurts. Trust me.
Well said! I especially like 7, 5, 2 and of course 1.