For my utter laziness in every aspect of my life for the last three months.
I know the ridiculous heat isn't over(we might go over 100 tomorrow) but it's gotten better and I know October is just a few days away. All of a sudden, I feel productive, I want to go out and see friends, I'm making progress on my business stuff and I even wore heels to work today. It's like I just need to shake the summer off of me to get going again.
I've been working on business crap all evening and now I am tired. Hoping to make some more sales in the next few months so I can save up to buy some much needed chocolate making equipment. It's all very exciting, but very tiring as well. You think that owning your own business means setting your own hours. Well, these hours are like every waking minute for me. I do enjoy it though. God help me, I do.
I wish October would make me productive.