Reason why Heather should never make small talk:
H = Heather , O = other person
H: "Hey Other Person!"
O: "Hey Heather. Nice hair cut."
H: "Thanks! How was your weekend?"
O: "Good. My wife and the boys were out of town so I..."(this is where I stopped listening)
H: "Oh fun. You know it seems like your wife and kids go out of town a lot. They must not like you too much. Haha." (this is the sentence that should not have been said, but since I didn't listen to the last half of his sentence, I had nothing else to say. Listening is important, kids).
O: "(polite chuckle) Well my mother in law has been ill so my wife goes to look after her on the weekends a lot."
H: "Well that's not nearly as funny."
O: ""
H: "..."
O: "Okay, have a good evening."
H "You too."
I will never small talk with that person again. I am such an ass.
Reason why I am looking forward to March:
I am on a pop culture fast during February. This is my fourth year doing it and I enjoy it. Except today I heard Billy Joel in the cafeteria at work and I think my mouth actually salivated. Because I really love Billy Joel. Like a lot. More than can be considered normal, I'm sure.
Also looking forward to March because March is Mile Month!! Hooray for exhaust, exhaustion and excess ridiculousness with some of my favorite people!
Reason why I shouldn't be allowed to create my own meals:
For dinner I had Sour Cream and Onion Potato chips, dried cranberries and a beer. Jeezaloo, that sounds even worse when I put it in writing.
Reason why I love my cats:
For Christmas, I received two blankets. One was a beautiful, ivory, faux fur number with satin lining. The other is a hilarious, hand-made fleece blanket with goofy little gnomes all over it (Thank you Mallory!). Eva, who is oh so beautiful and prim and proper now lives on the ivory blanket. Triumph who is goofy and ridiculous, now lives on the gnome blanket. They somehow know what blanket fits their style. How does that even happen?
Reason why I have a blog:
To post useless things like this. :)