So, tomorrow is the winter solstice which means that the Mayan calendar says the world is going to end one year from today.
One Year.
So, I don't know any pagans (that I am aware) so I know most of you reading this don't actually believe the world is ending next year.
But what if it did?
I'm not trying to get into a religious debate with anyone, I really couldn't care less. All I am thinking is, if I did somehow know that I had only one year left, what would I do? Would I live my life differently?
What would I do differently? What would you do differently? It's a fun little hypothetical situation actually.
Would you work less and play more? Go on more trips? Make amends with old enemies? Laugh more? Cry less? Eat all the unhealthy foods you avoid now? Spend your money on items that provide instant gratification instead of long term investments? Would you change who you spent your time with?
I realize you could make it far more complicated than this (in fact, I had a long paragraph about money and the financial industry and it got too convoluted so I deleted it) but imagine how little you'd care about all the things that your worry and stress about now.
Just the thought makes me want to cash in my retirement funds, sell all our crap and travel to everywhere.
For fun, just take a few minutes and think about all the things that stress you out today. Would they still be a concern if you knew the world would end in 365 days (next year is a leap year so I am adding a day)?
I know this is no less of a fairy tale than a Disney movie, but isn't it fun to pretend?! I think so.
Happy Winter Solstice!!!